Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Can you hear me now?
I am posting this today, because of an inspiration I had--one derived from watching, of all things, Sesame Street with my two year old daughter. In this episode, Telly and Zoe (you mommies know exactly who I'm talking about) assumed they were being ignored by a lovely little dark haired girl when they invited her to join in their play. Well, turns out she was deaf, not rude. I watched her signing and immediately was transported back to my college days, when my desire was to become a speech pathologist and work with deaf children. In this educational journey (which unfortunately ended when the ever blessed moo-lah was dangled under my nose and I dropped out to work full time) I took two semesters of American Sign Language (ASL). An entirely new world opened up for me, and I actually acquired a new circle of friends, deaf friends, that I never would have had if I had not had the ability to communicate with them.
I learned of the issues members of the deaf community face, the stereotypes they unwillingly fall into, the problems that arise from their lack of hearing--ever wonder how many times you may have had an automobile accident if you weren't able to hear your road neighbor laying on his horn? Or thought about how you ever would have known the ambulance or fire engine was quickly approaching if not for the loud siren? These are every day occurrences for so many deaf men and women.
Soooo, onto the inspiration. Well, I was first inspired to take ASL classes way when my cousin, who incidentally is deaf, was visiting for the summer. She was visiting from India. Not only had she not learned a formal signing language, but she could only read lips in her native tongue--Hindi. Talk about a language barrier! That summer was a beautiful one, as we learned to communicate not only through the hearing/non-hearing barrier, but the English/Hindi language barrier as well. It was a challenge, that pretty well goes without saying, but we did it. And so came ASL in my short college stint.
Just like any other second language, if not used for, oh, a decade (as is my case with ASL) you pretty well lose any and all fluency you had acquired. But after being inspired, once again, by Sesame Street of all things, I hopped on Google and found a Deaf Coffee Chat at a restaurant in my hometown. Members of the deaf and hearing communities meet for, well, coffee twice a month to interact, learn ASL, make new friends, and open up circles that, without the ability to communicate, you would not feasibly be able to enter completely. I am going to take part in these chats. I am going to re-visit ASL. I am going to meet new people, make new friends. I am going to regain the knowledge I lost. And I'm going to do it all with an obnoxious caffeine buzz!
Wish me luck on my newest venture. I'll keep you posted on my progress as I delve into this "foreign language" once again.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Something old, Something new
Strung on a chocolate leather cord, capped with beautiful sterling silver end caps, this necklace turned out better than I expected! So chic, yet so classic!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hot Mamas!!! You need this tee!!
I was caught up in the Valentine spirit and started surfing for sappy trinkets, and came across this absolutely adorable long sleeve tee at My Chic Things!! Simple, to the point, and LOVELY--with the simple message that all women, single or taken, need to shout proudly this time of year--Be My Valentine!!!

While delivery by Valentines Day can't be guaranteed, as it is but three days away, the entire month of February is set aside for sweethearts. You should definitely stop by My Chic Things today and treat yourself!! And then, of course, buy a big fat box of chocolates.......you deserve it, Valentine!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Stomp me, Squeeze me, Make me Wine
Please stop by and check out my unique designs! These charms are the perfect accessory for any wine lover, and will ensure that you are drinking from your glass, and your glass alone at a party! You never know what nasty little germs are lurking on the rims of your fellow partiers' glassess--better safe than sorry!
These charms also make awesome hostess gifts! Just be sure she's a wine drinker first! :)
Check them out--you won't find these designs in any store, as they are unique to yours truly. I will be adding quite a few more very shortly, but wanted to share these with you first!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tuesday Featured Business--Diva Boutiques!
This fabulous online boutique is the perfect place for a woman to acquire accessories that truly make her feel like a goddess. And the prices are well below what one would expect to pay for such treasures! What better way to strut your heavenly stuff than to do it in a pair of chic heels that you'd be hard pressed to find at Payless? I personally love these!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Moving on up
I had to break another board during testing, my third. This one had to be broken with a front snap kick. I thought my foot would fall of, it was NOT easy! I'd broken the other two with ease (not necessarily because of my super human strength), and couldn't understand why my snap kick didn't carry as much "punch" as my fist. Then, of course, I was told that these were new boards, heat treated to make them hard. Niiiiiiiice. It's okay, I'm sure the feeling will come back in my toes soon........
The promotion ceremony was last night, and I can't tell you the sense of accomplishment I felt when my master instructor tied my new belt around my waist, telling me that I have met all requirements and am now promoted to the next level in my training. Me, with stage 4 cancer, doing something I never thought I could do even when I was healthy. Wow. :)
I love the way martial arts makes me feel, the strength I feel, not only physically, but mentally. The spirituality that goes hand in hand with the meditation breathing exercises we often do. The camaraderie I feel with the other students, as they cheer me on when I learn a new technique, or break a board that I swear was made with petrified wood. And, of course, the immense release that comes with donning full sparring gear and beating the crap out of each other. No other feeling like it! :)
I can't wait until Monday when I get to tie my yellow belt around my waist for class. This is something that I did--a reflection of my hard work--and I can't wait to test for the next level!! HI-YA!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday Featured Artist--Slymagpie!
Sometimes it's just a pair of earrings, others a rockin' necklace. And every now and then, all I need to acheive "completeness" is a dainty little ring. Well, lucky for me, I can get all of those things at Slymagpie! This chic little boutique has the most unique jewelry I've ever come across, specializing in semi-precious stones and precious metals. Lovely wood pieces are even incorporated into designs, as with A Round of Cognac. You'd be hard pressed to NOT find something you just can't live without.
I had the opportunity to get to know a little more about Margaret of Slymagpie. I think you should continue reading and do the same! But don't forget to stop by Slymagpie yourself and pick out a pretty of your very own!!
What makes your business unique when compared to others in this category?
My style is always evolving. I have so many ideas, I worry I'll never get to them all! I also use a mix of new and vintage findings in my work. Some of them are actually from my mother's collection, so they are really special.
Where do you draw inspiration for your creations, products, or services?
I really couldn't say. Sometimes I just buy materials and figure it out later, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and think about things I want to try, and sometimes, I just melt stuff and hope for the best. hee hee...
What has been your proudest moment as a business owner?
the first time someone who wasn't a friend or family member bought something from my store! Also, on Christmas morning, I had the serious warm fuzzies thinking about how many people would be opening gifts purchased from my shop. Totally humbling.
What product or service has been your best selling item. Why do you think that is?
My daisy rings have been really popular. They're really labor intensive, but it's worth it to make something so special. They would be pretty hard to figure out, so I hope they stay "just mine" for a little while at least!

How are you able to balance your work and family life, while still continuing to nurture and grow your business?
ha! not very well. my baby is my first priority, but after that it's a bit of a toss up. Sadly, taking care of the house often loses to inspiration!
If you could offer one piece of advice to other women business owners, what would that be?
The hardest advice to follow...don't sell yourself short! Respect yourself and your work and others will, too.
Thank you, Margaret!!!!!!! xoxo
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm up and running!!
I now offer gift certificates, so that special someone in your life can pick out her own pretties! I will also be adding pieces to my bridal collection in the very near future....stay tuned!
I have yet to load my Wine Glass Adornments, but that will be coming soon also.
Please check out my site, let me know what you think, and don't forget that Valentine's Day is right around the corner!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesday Featured Artist--My Chic Things
Why subject yourself to this disastrous shopping fate when you can shop at home, in your jammies for crying out loud, at My Chic Things, quite possibly one of the best one stop shopping boutiques?
Beth of My Chic Things has everything from jewelry, apparel, and accessories, to home accents, spa products, and gifts that you just simply won't find in a mall. One of my personal favorites is the Mocha Java Mint Scrub. Tell me you just don't want to dive right into this and completely lose yourself!!

I had the pleasure of getting to know a little more about Beth and My Chic Things. A mother, first grade school teacher and business owner--amazing! Read on, and get to know her a little better as well. But don't forget to check out My Chic Things first--I personally think every woman needs a Shemergency Survival Kit!
What has been your proudest moment as a business owner?
What has been your best selling item?
The Denise Tjarks handbags from Hawaii. Each one is so unique. You can't own just one! I'm getting ready to stock brand new ones for Spring.
How do you balance family life with running your own business?
What piece of advice would you offer other women business owners?
Thanks, Beth!!! I'll be sure to stop by My Chic Things very soon!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
They Grow Up So Fast
He's almost 8 now (good Lord, that's strange to say), but I still remember that day vividly. And I thought I'd share the poem that poured straight from my heart as I realized I wasn't always going to be the only one in his life that mattered.
I held you in my arms.
I promised all the world to you,
To shelter you from harm.
And now I gaze upon my child,
Sweet mischief in his eye;
And recognize, with heavy heart,
How time is passing by.
For wasn’t it just yesterday
I swaddled baby sweet?
And cuddled, kissed, and cradled you,
And tickled tiny feet?
But as I watch you board the bus,
Excited waves good-bye,
I think aloud, oh yes, indeed,
Sweet time is passing by.
You love me quite wide openly,
Hand kisses out for free.
Alas, I know there’ll come a time
When all this, too, will cease.
I’ll take the sticky jelly hugs
And secretly ask why
Why my heart aches terribly
While watching time pass by?
My son, I vow to love you fierce,
And with unfaltering might.
And when the bad dreams break your sleep,
I’ll always hold you tight.
I’ll treasure every waking breath,
Though years too rapid slide,
And know someday that you as well,
Will see time passing by.
--Love, Mommy
July 12, 2005
Monday, January 7, 2008
Tuesday Featured Artist--Scentsations by PMH!
I have to say, my favorite item is Parched, a beverage candle available in Cherry Lemonade and Cola scents. Tell me you don't just want to pick this up and drink it!
The uniqueness of my businesses are all the scents and products are food-related, and I create show pieces. There are hundreds of candle and soap sites on the web today, and how I separate myself from the rest of the pack is to focus on a single theme and a single product. In this case, with scentsations, the theme is food and the product is aromatics, whether a candle or scent-inducing product, and with The Soap Seduction, the theme is also food, and the product is soap. Also, all of my products are hand crafted. No two products will look the same, so you truly will get a one-of-a-kind piece. I make everything myself from silicone or urethene molds. That's it. I want to be the best of the best, and by honing my skills on one theme, I can deliver the best. Why did I choose food instead of flower or nature scents for example? It's very simple. I love food, and the scents and fragrances available on the market today are so lifelike, that I can't wait to make a candle or soap out of it!
Where do you draw inspiration from for your creations?
My inspiration is definitely my (late) husband Spencer. He was such a motivator and a believer in my talent, that he made me do this even when I didn't want to. He encouraged me and challenged me to think beyond the box. He was my walking advertisement and my biggest cheerleader, and I continue today because of him. His vision was for us to be business owners, and I carry the torch in his memory.
What has been your proudest moment as a business owner?
My proudest moment was probably my first sale to a non-friend or family member. Of course all your friends and family will support you no matter what, but when a complete stranger revels in your product and expresses how delightful your creation is, it's the ultimate high as a business owner. It makes all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it.
What product has been your best selling item?
I currently have three best-selling items: anything (candle, smelly jelly, funk buster) in Monkey Farts; apple tarts; and Cherry Lemonade beverage candle.
http://www.scentsationsbypmh.net/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=37; http://www.scentsationsbypmh.net/index.php?cPath=32; http://www.scentsationsbypmh.net/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=46
How are you able to balance your work and family life, while still being able to nurture and grow your business?
It's all about prioritizing! Family always comes first no matter what, but it really helps when your family is understanding and supportive of your efforts. My businesses currently aren't my 9 to 5, although that is my goal. I do have a "regular" job which I often work 8-10 hours a day, so life can get pretty hectic, so that's where prioritizing and organizing comes in.
If you could offer one piece of advice to other women business owners, what would that be?
I have several actually:
1. Have a plan: Don't just say I want to make and sell candles and think it's easy. You really need to prepare accordingly. Get your business affairs in order first by securing and registering your business name, applying for Tax Id, etc. Determine who your market is and how your product will appeal to them.
2. Study the competition: See what everyone is doing. What can you learn from them that you can incorporate into your plan or vice versa-what don't you want to include in your plan.
3. Be original: Businesses come a dime a dozen, and you will see that everyone is doing the same thing and offering the same product. It's okay to do that too, but put your own unique spin or twist on it to make yours pop. Whether it's the packaging of your product to the graphics you choose for your website. It's all about originality.
4. Be prepared to put in some long hours and shell out some money. Being successful doesn't happen overnight, and it aint cheap!
5. Lastly, surround yourself with people who are successful and who want to see you succeed. Whether joining a network of other successful businesswomen or having a network of support friends and family, you will need that encouragement and support to forge ahead when you're ready to throw in the towel.
Thank you, Patrice!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The importance of a Self Examination
I really won't harp on the significance of the first three. I would venture to guess that each of you, in your own way, hold those three things close to your heart. After all, they comprise the majority of our time, laughter, heartache, fun, conflict, and joy. Friends, family, and faith. Enough said.
But the one thing that I have noticed not many women recognize the importance of pertains to the foruth aspect--health--which is a monthly self breast examination. We hear quite often, and are bombarded with each October, that no woman over the age of 35 should miss her bi-annual mammograms, and no woman over forty should neglect her mammogram yearly. Well I say, absolutely!! How many lives, after all, have been saved by those wonderous screening methods?? Countless.
But what about those younger women, who aren't eligible for a mammogram? And what about those women who develop tumors IN BETWEEN mammograms? In these instances, bi-annual and annual screenings fall frighteningly short.
Each and every woman, beginning at the age of 18, should conduct a self breast examination every month, preferably at the same time each month to ensure she is at the same monthly cycle stage. Get to know what you feel like, what is normal for you! Young women often have dense, lumpy breast tissue, and although your OBGYN may clinically examine you once per year, she does not know what YOU feel like, what is normal for YOU, what dense pocket of tissue has always been there, and what popped up unexpectedly. This is your responsibility.
A breast tumor can develop and grow in a matter of weeks. Waiting months for your next mammogram will give this tumor the opportunity to grow even more, often spreading to other areas of your body and severely worsening your life expectancy/prognosis. But when caught EARLY (very early), the cure rate is phenomenal.
So remember, ladies, to not rely solely on our medical professionals. While they are irreplaceable, you still need to play the part of your own physician each month, and check yourself. I'm not a big believer in resolutions, but a commitment--that's something we can all do. Remind the women you love to do the same. It could save a life.
I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2008!!!!